Thursday, April 30, 2015

Beings of Light Round Throw Pillow Round Pillow | Zazzle

Beings of Light Round Throw Pillow Round Pillow | Zazzle

Bizarre Bizarre Headless Zombie Space Alien T Shirt

Saturday, April 25, 2015

'Bravest woman' free speech activist killed in Pakistan -

'Bravest woman' free speech activist killed in Pakistan -

 Ask your representatives:

What are their views on Sharia Law?

What do they think about the following statements:

The West Will Tolerate Itself To Death.

Why Do We Tolerate Violence Against Women?

What are their plans to halt violence against women around world including:

1)    Female genital mutilation
2)    Punishing rape victims
3)    Honor killing
4)    Strapping bombs to children
5)    Sexually enslaving women
6)    Murdering homosexuals
7)    Child marriage
8)    Domestic Violence
9)    Disciplining or Punishing Wives